I am sorry

For all I have done,
For all I have said,
For all I have behaved,
I am sorry.

For all I couldn’t have done,
For all I couldn’t have said,
For all I couldn’t have behaved,
I am sorry.

For hurting you instead of feeling my hurt,
For wounding you instead of feeling my own,
For causing you pain instead of feeling mine,
I am sorry.

I know you when I know myself,
I understand you when I understand myself,
I forgive you when I forgive myself,
I welcome you when I welcome myself.

I am saying sorry to myself,
When I am saying sorry to you,
I am sorry for what it is.

I wish I could blame you for all,
I wish I could blame myself for all,
I wish we had anyone to blame for all,
Have I ever wished to suffer all,
I am sorry for what it is.
