Then I Cry

My heart is covered in ice
Then I cry
And now that is melting through my eyes

I am sky full of dark and heavy clouds
Then I cry
And I am the most beautiful shining blue

I am a yellow, dry, lifeless dessert
Then I cry
And I am a green, wet, the most alive forest

I am a calm, almost no breathing sea
Then I cry
And I am full of wild weaves keep hitting rocks

I am all the dirt collected over time
Then I cry
And I am empty, clean, fresh

I am scared, stuck, helpless, tired and alone
Then I cry
And I am ready, dusting myself off

I am dying
Then I cry
I am a bit more alive

I let myself lie down in my grave
Then I cry
And I am a flower blooming on my grave

I am anger, loss, death, sorrow, pain, and hate
Then I cry
And I am calm, arrival, birth, celebration, wellness, and love

I am all people suffering
Then I cry
I am all children playing

I am sharp cutting myself
Then I cry
I am soft wrapping myself

I am questioning
Then I cry
I am understanding

I am life
Then I cry
I am still life

I am
Then I am
Still I am
